Posts by: Imogen Bowers

Residents Knit for Charity...


Residents in Corton House have been knitting up a storm recently with everything from kitten blankets for Hallswood Animal Sanctuary and tiny baby hats for...

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Welcoming our new Registered Manager, Jason


Our new Registered Manager, Jason, started at the beginning of April, and has been taking part in various activities with the residents - helping him...

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Mini Monsters Delight Corton House!


"I'd rather have a puppy..." Fans (and not-such-fans) of tarantulas had a fascinating afternoon with a visit from some animal friends this afternoon courtesy of Mini...

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Gone Fishin'


Meet Brian and Paul! It is lovely to see Brian, one of our residents, really enjoy talking about fish with Paul, who cleans our fish tank...

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Connecting Friends & Neighbours


One of the benefits of our care home and independent living scheme being on the same site is that former tenants at Brakendon Close who...

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Community Cafe Continues at The Jubilee Centre, Lakenham


We are pleased to announce that our Community Hotspot sessions - for which we received funding from Norfolk Community Foundation - will be continuing to...

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Blog: Supporting Wellbeing in Your Later Years.


The pandemic was a particularly challenging time for older people, compounding feelings of isolation and limiting opportunities for socializing. Our Activities and Wellbeing Coordinator at...

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