Posts by: Corton House

Nutrition and Hydration Week 11th -17th March 2019


Corton House residents enjoyed this special week, trying different flavoured waters with staff taking an active part too.

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Mum and Baby Group Visit


IMG 1109 IMG 1110 IMG 1111 IMG 1113 IMG 1114 IMG 1117 IMG 1119 IMG 1120 IMG 1125 A lovely time was had by all...

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Date for Your Diary - Easter Coffee Morning


[assets/Uploads/Daffodils.docx] Corton House Easter Coffee Morning will take place on Thursday 11th April 2019. Please keep the date free and come along between 10.15 - 11.30am!

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Neighbours end January/February 2019



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Elf Day at Corton House!


Staff unleashed their inner elf on the residents of Corton House earlier this month in support of Elf Day,the aim being to raise money for...

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December News Bulletin


[assets/Uploads/NEWS-bulletin-December-2018.pdf] NEWS-bulletin-December-2019.pdf[assets/Uploads/NEWS-bulletin-December-2019.pdf] Find out what's been going on behind the scenes at Corton House in our most recent News Bulletin.

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Neighbours December 2018 and January 2019


CH13.18-Dec-Jan-Neighbours.pdf[assets/Uploads/CH13.18-Dec-Jan-Neighbours.pdf][assets/Uploads/Christmas-Events-Insert-13.18-page-1.pdf] Christmas-Events-Insert-13.18-page-1.pdf[assets/Uploads/Christmas-Events-Insert-13.18-page-1.pdf][assets/Uploads/][assets/Uploads/Christmas-Events-Insert-12.18-page-1.pdf] This a double issue to cover December and January. Also attached are two inserts which list the events taking place over the festive season. We wish...

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