This week is Diabetes Awareness Week, and we've been chatting with our Head of Catering Sean about how the team ensure the food at Corton House is inclusive and equally delicious for those with dietary requirements, including diabetes - all those mouth watering treats pictured are Diabetes friendly!
Sean tells us, "We currently have ten diabetic and four are pre-diabetic residents; we work with the care staff very closely to make sure we are meeting any dietary requirements and providing a good balanced diet. In the kitchen we strive to make sure the diabetic residents get the same type of desserts as the other residents are eating. So for example, a diabetic-friendly crumble would have rolled oats, a spice like cinnamon and a small amount of Splenda. The custard would be sweetened with vanilla essence and a small amount of Splenda. We tend to make cakes with natural sugars in them - for example, banana loaf cake, honey and almond cake or a marmalade cake. There is also the option for teatime of having cheese and biscuits or a low sugar yogurt."
#diabetesawarenessweek #diabetesawareness #carehome