One of the benefits of our care home and independent living scheme being on the same site is that former tenants at Brakendon Close who now live in the care home are able to easily keep in touch with their friends and former neighbours a stone's throw away!
Our Activities and Wellbeing team understand how important it is for residents in Corton House to maintain connection with their local community, so will always facilitate this where possible. Recently Brakendon Close tenants have visited the care home for a catch up with friends over a game of Scrabble, while residents from Corton House have attended coffee morning with their old neighbours in Brakendon Close. Tenants are also invited to attend the regular poetry and art history sessions in Corton House.
![three smiling older people playing scrabble in a large, homely dining room.](assets/Uploads/331412441-1120031432025771-6637662061591711414-n-1.jpg)
Corton House residents and Brakendon Close tenants playing Scrabble.