Posts by: Imogen Bowers

Llama Llama Ding Dong


Some beautiful alpacas from Wymondham Alpacas & Llamas[[0]=AZVJ87xnYtBwNdEA5ngedT7YWWk0xPjIcQyA0hNFalLe_zxUaFB8fwTU7OD1PiB8FUzpaEi12tE6sLjLP8ciktM3Ed0gjQA9ZHb5GRmJ3079v9e910ScDYr5x-eKB8UfRS-RH-SJGpVi8JOjJxj3cv3F&__tn__=-]K-R] visited us at Corton House on Friday... Big thanks to the wonderfully-named Clifton and Galahad and their...

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Dippy Crispy with a Cider Sippy


Platters of crisps and score cards at Brakendon Close's crisp taste test Tenants at Brakendon Close have recently been pondering some of life's great questions;...

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Excellent Handiwork Brian and Matt!


We had a visit recently from one of our fantastic volunteers, Matt. Matt's employer gives him a couple of days' volunteering leave every year, and...

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A Busy Patio!


Lots of residents and their friends and family have been enjoying the warmer weather in the garden recently! Even Jason, our Registered Manager, has found...

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Rhubarb Rhubarb Rhubarb


Delicious, freshly cooked meals are so important for health and wellbeing, and our kitchen team strive to use local ingredients wherever possible. Speaking of homegrown, local...

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Neighbours June 2023


Neighbours Cover June 24 You can read more of this month's copy of Neighbours newsletter here: Neighbours-Digital-June-2023.pdf[assets/Uploads/Neighbours-Digital-June-2023.pdf]

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Brakendon Close in Bloom


The gardens at Brakendon Close are looking beautiful at the moment, with the return of the rare bee orchids on our main lawn and a...

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